INCALL blog post: PLEASE share this information! The “deep state” TERRORISTS who are behind these murders are the SAME ones behind the satanic FRONT “netflix” and have terrorized this film and stolen its intellectual property. They are currently terrorizing me and MANY OTHERS. They have done the same to MANY OTHER real indie filmmakers. They are CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING! ALL involved need to be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED AND EXECUTED! PLEASE look at other information on this site under the “blog” section. PLEASE SHARE!
Synopsis for INCALL: Kasey is down on his luck. He has no family nor friends; except for an obnoxious, overbearing female (Beth) who always seems to show up at the wrong time (is it love?). To make ends meet, Kasey does “incall” massage from his apartment. Unfortunately, some of his married, middle aged, male clients are more interested in things OTHER than massage. Enter Marco, a sexy drifter, in the country under mysterious circumstances. After the accidental death of one of his massage clients, and through a bizarre set of circumstances, Kasey enlists the help of Marco to dispose of the body. What started as an accident soon becomes intentional as the duo lure unsuspecting men to their deaths. Its a race against time to get enough cash together to leave the country before they’re caught by the police, the landlord or the obnoxious Beth! How will this sex charged thriller end? Wouldn’t you like to know?!
INCALL blog post. PLEASE share this information! The “deep state” TERRORISTS who are behind these murders are the SAME ones behind the satanic FRONT “netflix” and have terrorized this film and stolen its intellectual property. They are currently terrorizing me and MANY OTHERS. They have done the same to MANY OTHER real indie filmmakers. They are CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING! ALL involved need to be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED AND EXECUTED! PLEASE look at other information on this site under the “blog” section. PLEASE SHARE!
Synopsis for INCALL: Kasey is down on his luck. He has no family nor friends; except for an obnoxious, overbearing female (Beth) who always seems to show up at the wrong time (is it love?). To make ends meet, Kasey does “incall” massage from his apartment. Unfortunately, some of his married, middle aged, male clients are more interested in things OTHER than massage. Enter Marco, a sexy drifter, in the country under mysterious circumstances. After the accidental death of one of his massage clients, and through a bizarre set of circumstances, Kasey enlists the help of Marco to dispose of the body. What started as an accident soon becomes intentional as the duo lure unsuspecting men to their deaths. Its a race against time to get enough cash together to leave the country before they’re caught by the police, the landlord or the obnoxious Beth! How will this sex charged thriller end? Wouldn’t you like to know?!
April 19, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL CBS Studios Inc. (“CBS”), Producers of the Dead to Me series Ref ID: 58920
This is in response to the laughable email that was sent to me by your legal online enforcement department on February 23rd,, 2021 regarding your company’s willful theft of my copyrighted film Incall; as is partially documented in the link that I sent you at the time (below).
The creation of the series “Dead To Me”, from its inception, is the result of extremely premeditated terrorism that has been launched against me, and my film Incall. Your company deployed agents, in collusion with Netflix and the National Security Administration, among others,(who used covert, terroristic methods to spy on my phone, computer and much more to meticulously study my film Incall, the psychological profile behind its creation, its marketing, and all aspects of the content on the Incall website) to develop Incall into a Netflix series (WITHOUT authorization) as part of an ongoing terroristic attack against me and to further your PSYCHLOGICAL WARFARE against the general public . I can easily prove this, and fully intend to.
My cursory six minute side by side comparison alone proves that you are thieves (and far worse).. I am also fully aware that this is not the only film idea that you have stolen from me, in collusion with the NSA, via unlawful, UNAUTHORIZED spying!. All aspects of this heinous crime committed against me are in violation law in the most serious manner possible. I own FULL copyright to all aspects of Incall (and to ALL materials connected to it) and thus own ALL ASPECTS of the entire Dead To Me series including ALL marketing, profits and EVERYTHING ELSE (released and unreleased) related to it! And I plan to come after ALL of it and MUCH MORE.
These are extremely serious and heinous crimes that you have committed against me. I intend to aggressively pursue all of those responsible in civil as well as criminal court and to obtain the MAXIMUM in monetary damages as well as in criminal consequences. I also intend to forward this to the FBI and have been fully documenting all aspects of this terrorism. I ask that you immediately notify EVERYONE related to this fraudulent series of this notice!
Brock Riebe
Anyone who’s been wondering why Season 3 of “Dead To Me” (which was announced to be released in May ’21) has still not been released…wonder no more. THIS is why. The crimes committed in this case are FAR more severe than what is presented here (and will be handled as such). All those involved are fully aware and have been fully notified but are trying very hard to keep it out of the public eye.
PLEASE share this information! The “deep state” TERRORISTS who are behind these murders are the SAME ones behind the satanic FRONT “netflix” and have terrorized this film and stolen its intellectual property. They are currently terrorizing me and MANY OTHERS. They have done the same to MANY OTHER real indie filmmakers. They are CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING! ALL involved need to be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED AND EXECUTED! PLEASE look at other information on this site under the “blog” section. PLEASE SHARE!
“Famous” serial killers are CREATED (by the “Deep State”) NOT born!
UPDATE: After this was posted on Facebook. Facebook “deep state” agents swoop in to try to “normalize” satanism. Those agents are paid with the TRILLIONS of dollars that are STOLEN from our tax dollars and channeled into “black ops.” projects.
Does Netflix want to nab indie film viewers enough to STEAL? YES!
Evil thrives when good people do nothing.
Move the central slider (above) back and forth! This publicity shot for “Dead To Me” (right) was STOLEN directly from this shot of a scene from “Incall” (left) by the global terrorist filth at Netflix (even down to the colors of the backwall, their sitting on a bed, them looking at one another…). Netflix meticulously STUDIED all aspects of “Incall” and this site to consciously STEAL its content to develop it into the vacuous, shit series. These terrorists also practically duplicated this scenes exact dialog in their garbage show. Please watch the “side by side” below. And this is NOT the only film idea that they stole!!!
Please WATCH THIS VIDEO!: STOLEN: Incall vs. Dead To Me “side by side” CURSORY comparison. Dead To Me Cease And Desist Order HERE.
Well?? How are you liking it? They aren’t going to arrest themselves.
UPDATE 3/4/21: If you are a filmmaker, distributor, actor, exhibitor, artist, creative person, or ANYONE who is tired of the entertainment industry/media being controlled by a relatively small group of thieves, liars, child molesters, blackmailers, sellout whores etc, and you want to be part of creating a NEW WORLD WITHOUT THESE THINGS then please contact us @ We need to EXPOSE these animals and make sure that they are ARRESTED. We need to TAKE BACK all aspects of media from these criminals! The time is NOW! We need to create a REAL media and entertainment industry that EVOLVES, ENLIGHTENS and LIBERATES culture on this planet and ALL OF IT’S INHABITANTS. Serious replies ONLY. If you are an agent, in ANY form, of the cabal don’t DARE contact us directly or indirectly in ANY form! Please read this ENTIRE post and watch the videos BEFORE you contact us.
UPDATE 8/24/20 This post has been continuously updated. Specific info about Netflix intentionally viewing/studying the details of our film Incall and then turning it into a series, Dead To Me, (plus cursory side by side video) are below. Please bare with us. Terrorism is NOT easy to document; it’s a devil in the details type situation. And that is EXACTLY what this is; literally.PLEASE read on; PLEASE share!
The creator of Incall has decided to go public and release information that he has been (and is currently being) AGGRESSIVELY targeted by the NSA (national security administration) and affiliates (which are EXTENSIVE) as a result of making this film. The terrorism, which was unknown to him at the time, actually began WAY before the film was even made (as the NSA illegally SPIES on our phone calls, emails, internet etc.). Apparently, it was initially covert but became overt when the film was made because the NSA wants to BLOCK people BEFORE they can amass a following (to POSITIVELY influence/disclose to).
Anyone who enters into the “entertainment” industry uncompromised and steps forward to EVOLVE SOCIETY and or to make people aware (in any way) of what is REALLY going on in this country (and world) is attacked, financially destroyed, CONTINUOUSLY terrorized and (in many cases) MURDERED. These people MUST be ARRESTED!!!!!!
This theft by Netflix (which is essentially a corporate “front” for global terrorists) is a DIRECT extension of that attack. THAT is the nature of this situation and why it is happening! This is NOT a situation of just “copyright infringement” (which would be bad enough) its a case a “individual targeting”/organized “gang stalking” and GLOBAL TERRORISM. The NSA is headed by a publicly admitted satanist (and mass murderer) Michael Aquino (PLEASE research it if you doubt this!).
The NSA AGGRESSIVELY targets, terrorizes, sets up, and murders good people/whistle blowers who expose corruption in America (and globally) weather or not those people have exposed it intentionally or have just stumbled upon it. THAT is the reason Netflix is connected with pedophilia (which is intimately connected to these terrorist’s extensive BLACKMAIL NETWORK and satanism; as is HUMAN SACRIFICE!) AND with this case!!!! Netflix is one of many FRONTS controlled by these satanic terrorists (thus, its connection to psychological warfare, and to overthrowing democratic governments!!). Wake up America! Stop pretending that you do not know what is going on in this country! STOP sitting idol waiting for others to do something. STAND UP AND STOP THIS!
CLIP: How the “Deep State” both CREATES and MARKETS serial killers in America (via hidden satanic cults)!
The “Deep State” CREATES and MARKETS Serial Killers!!!!
Publicly admitted Satanist head of NSA Michael Aquino. This pedo-pervert terrorist is who is spying on you!
Degenerate satanic pedo Michael Aquino on Geraldo and Oprah (below) being accused of being involved in human sacrifice. This FILTH is who is running the INSTALLED “government”, hollywood, the FAKE “mainstream” (and equally FAKE “alternative”) media and NETFLIX (which is a terroristic PROPAGANDA FRONT)!!! DO NOT say that you do not know or that you have not been told. WE ALL KNOW. SIDENOTE: Right after this article was posted Michael Aquino (who is VERY commonly known to be the head of the NSA was WIPED off of the internet, INCLUDING wikipedia, and a lot of FAKE articles were placed on the internet laughably claiming that he is DEAD. Coincidence? NO! I periodically keep having to replace the below videos as “they” keep removing them.
More about pedophile pervert/satanic terrorist head of NSA Michael Aquino and satanic child abuse/torture.
THIS is what TERRORISM looks like! PLEASE help us share! This is UNACCEPTABLE! “Corporate” owned social media (twitter, facebook, youtube) in cahootz with “corporate” Netflix is attempting to BLOCK the dissemination of this information. If you are a filmmaker and/or indie film lover PLEASE share this so we can STOP them from doing this to others and so that we can get justice for this CRIME!
If you care about TRULY independent film (indpendent of “corporate” global terrorists and their anti-human ‘new world order’ agendas) then PLEASE contact Netflix and let them know that this is NOT acceptable! They are VERY aware of what is going on with this and will do EVERYTHING possible to try to HIDE it from you. The current legal system is set up to attempt to make it OBSCENELY expensive for independent films to get justice in a case like this in hopes that we will give up and allow ourselves to be robbed and TERRORIZED.
We have literally had multiple Hollywood law firms contact us pretending to want to take the case. In actuality, they were TOTALLY COMPROMISED by connections to Hollywood and Netflix (again, TERRORISM) and were trying to milk us for details of this case (because “the industry” is VERY aware of it because it’s a HUGE case). They have attempted to obtain details and leak it back to Netflix. THIS film will NOT be giving up! We are not the least bit afraid of Netflix or corporate Hollywood. Hollywood is being busted left and right for pedophilia, satanism, murder and everything else. Now they can add terrorism.
Netflix is FULLY aware that they very consciously deployed agents to screen INCALL, to study it (and ALL the information on this site about the film and its creation), and to turn it into a series changing surface details in a laughable attempt to create “plausible deniability”. They are FILTH. Thankfully, they’re also intellectually retarded and did a shit job. So, a lot of details about this theft are NOT included here. We don’t want those terrorists having time to prepare their LIES about anything; other than what their “attorneys” already leaked to them; which won’t be enough to save them. That is why we have gone public with the cursory “side by side” video. It was for attorneys but we know its already been (illegally) leaked; so…. They know they’re fucked (thus they publicly cancelled the show only DAYS later).
We, at Incall, feel that the scum behind Netflix are EVIL and are GLOBAL TERRORISTS who are capable of EVERYTHING if they think that they can get away with it! They will NOT get away with the crime(s) which they have committed against us!
Netflix’s perverted “Cuties”
We intend to get FULL JUSTICE and have this THEFT and TERRORISM fully known!! We want people to know what is REALLY going on in the so-called “entertainment” industry right now. Then you will understand why nothing but SHIT (and “reboots” of SHIT) is being made right now and you can help CHANGE it! THIS is why people!! PLEASE HELP US GET JUSTICE. Independent films and filmmakers are being actively harassed, terrorized, sabotaged and BLOCKED (and WORSE) from distribution in an attempt to BLOCK individuals from participating in the national and international discussion!
They also want to BLOCK us from having success, money and an AUDIENCE (to disclose to!) so that they can DOMINATE (and DESTROY) everything with their whored out/blackmailed puppets and pro big business/anti-human, GREED based agendas unchallenged. They have no concept (and dont care at all) about how working people live (because they don’t work for a living; they parasite off of us hidden behind FAKE “corporate” fronts; like “Netflix”). They want stories and ideas that reflect and affect people who actually work for a living; so they STEAL them. Then, they REMOVE the social commentary which points to THEM and represent someone else’s idea. Then they RIG the so-called “justice” system to be PAY-TO-PLAY (and THEY control the money) to BLOCK anyone not COMPROMISED by them from getting justice! THAT is what is going on here. They used to just exploit and cheat the artist; now they just cut them out completely and steal the work. It’s Terrorism!
Do you want to live in a world in which ALL of your GOD GIVEN liberties are being taken away by GLOBAL TERRORISTS hiding behind “corporate” fronts? Because THAT is exactly what we have now. If you don’t want that (just as we do not) then PLEASE help us share this! The reality of what has happened with this situation is SO MUCH WORSE than what is presented here. The whole story will be told soon. Thank you!
Please WATCH THIS VIDEO!: STOLEN: Incall vs. Dead To Me “side by side” comparison
Side by Side: Incall vs. Dead To Me
**If you are involved in the entertainment industry as an attorney and/or if you know an excellent pitbull type attorney/law firm that enjoys representing the “underdog” going against Hollywood/Big Business, in a HIGH PROFILE case, please do not hesitate to contact us@ . SERIOUS responses ONLY.**
UPDATE: The lying thieves at Netflix and “Dead to Me” have recently announced that Season 3 of their show (stolen DIRECTLY from Incall) has been “approved” but that it will be the FINAL season. Geez, I wonder why? Its because they are VERY aware of what is going on behind the scenes with the creator of INCALL. And season 3 was already shot; clearly.
“Hey Netflix and Dead to Me; no need for a season 3…’your show’, ALL rights, and ALL profits belong to ME! I’m coming for your asses. On this you can rely!” -Brock Riebe; creator of Incall
UPDATE: IncallMovie on Twitter was permanently BANNED for reporting on this issue for what they are laughably calling “hate speech”! Meanwhile the IncallMovie page on twitter has NEVER had any strikes before and TERRORISM far trumps what they are calling “hate speech”! INCALL is also “mysteriously” (the same day) BLOCKED for 30 days from accessing ALL features on Facebook. PLEASE help us SHARE!
“…My feeling is that these people are THIEVES of the most disgusting order and that this is not just a case of monetary damages but also a crime and terrorism. Apparently Netflix and Dead to Me’s so-called “creator”, Liz Feldman, have no ideas, no talent, no integrity, and no basic common sense…” Brock Riebe; creator of Incall
INCALL, a gay-themed thriller with, very dark, bawdy humor, about a same sex duo who emerges as a “crime team” after one of them accidentally kills a man but is afraid to notify the police (and thus it becomes a “murder”). Starring Brock Riebe and Ben Muller.
Dead To Me, a gay-themed thriller with, very dark, bawdy humor, about a same sex duo who emerges as a “crime team” after one of them accidentally kills a man but is afraid to notify the police (and thus it becomes a “murder”). Starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini.
A COMPLETE RIPOFF FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION The concept for INCALL, which is an indie “cult” thriller, has been described from the beginning as a sort of “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer meets Brokeback Mountain” to give audiences a “heads up” to its content (as it is NOT mainstream and full of twists and turns). So, what a “coincidence” that Linda Cardellini (from Brokeback Mountain) shows up in Dead To Me. Hmmmmmmmm………mmmmm……errmmmmmmm. These people are a joke. And we know EXACTLY how they arrived at Christina Applegate as the lead as well. But ssshhhh, we’re not telling…not yet anyway: )
Cardellini in Dead To Me
Cardellini in Brokeback Mountain
And there are many, MANY more DIRECT PARALLELS than that! STOLEN scenes, marketing, EXACT dialogue and MORE!!!
Hold your cards close to the vest After a chance, recent binge viewing of the Netflix series “Dead to Me” (due to being trapped in an illegal and unconstitutional “lockdown”), starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardelinni, the creator of INCALL, Brock Riebe, has determined that the ENTIRE concept(s), background stories of characters, specific scenes and even direct dialog has been lifted very consciously and DIRECTLY from INCALL. Mr. Riebe’s statement regarding this case is as follows:
“I am very disheartened and disturbed by this blatant theft (and yes, I view it as theft resulting from conscious intent) but am not the least bit surprised, especially based on the current state of the “entertainment” industry and NETFLIX’s current reputation in the indie film community. I believe the so-called “creators” of Dead To Me DELIBERATELY viewed my film INCALL (I believe that they were quite literally DEPLOYED to do so) with the specific intention to take its innovative concept and dynamic/realistically motivated characters to develop it into a series and to PROFIT from MY talent (because they have NONE).
I do NOT believe that anything here is an accident. My film is well known in certain segments of the corporate “entertainment” industry as an excellent film that is NOT YET fully distributed (thus a “perfect” target for THEFT; or so they mistakenly thought) due to its pointed social commentary (of course intentionally excised in it’s vacuous Netflix incarnation) and spirit of TRUE non-corporate INDEPENDENCE in this age of obscene corporate GREED, in-your-face CRIMINALITY and ANTI-INDIVIDUAL FASCISM.
My feeling is that these people are THIEVES of the most disgusting order and that this is not just a case of monetary damages but also a crime and terrorism. Apparently Netflix and Dead to Me’s so-called “creator”, Liz Feldman, have no ideas, no talent, no integrity, and no basic common sense.
The level of CONSCIOUS INTENT and PREMEDITATION that went into this theft is disgusting!The Devil is in the details here (literally) and I specialize in details (and YES there’s a smoking gun(s) too). I developed all aspects of this film, its characters and wrote the screenplay too. I know it inside and out. Liz Feldman, and the other thieves at Netflix who may be hiding behind the scenes, have truly mediocre intellects (at best).
They are sloppy, stupid and pathetic and as such I can EASILY prove that they not only viewed my film; but did so with specific intent to STEAL that which they feel is brilliant about it (and its concept) to develop it into a netflix series WITHOUT my permission and rightful enrichment. I am currently procuring my legal team and putting together my case. I intend to PROVE this theft and seek the absolute maximum in damages available to me by law against Liz Feldman, Netflix and executive producers Applegate and Cardelinni.
Again, I feel that this was a DELIBERATE act that is nothing short of economic TERRORISM, which is very much in keeping with the current climate in the United States at this time. Poetically, this echoes the EXACT theme(s) of INCALL itself. I do NOT view this as a “typical” copyright infringement case! This is a MUCH bigger story and situation than it seems to be on the surface. Again, its a story of TERRORISM.”
Walmart STEALS concept for T shirt from INCALL! “Coincidence” that this is being advertised on “The Gay Horror Crew” on Facebook? Nope! This is TERRORISM. *Walmart shirt posted on facebook 7/20/20
UPDATE 10/16/21This poster was developed referencing the Strange Magick poster. It is not difficult to figure that out. This is what these TERRORISTS do!